"Out there between wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there." Rumi wrote.
People ask me how am I doing, and how my family is. I don't know what to answer. My family is safe. For now. Some family members are in Gaza, some in Nablus, some in Jaffa, and some in Rameleh. They are safe. For now. It is time for us to shift our focus from the competition of suffering. The narrative of right and wrong, and the HIStory of violence and vengeance. Let’s all go to that field mentioned by Rumi.
This is about testosterone-driven men fighting each other. Violent men fighting violent men. Women and children and other men are losing their lives.
When will it stop? People are asking. The expectation from many is that it will get worse before it gets better. What if we can hold a different expectation altogether?
IT will stop When we decide to Choose Peace.
Peace is a choice. I’ve seen it unfolding in so many communities I have worked with in many African countries for the past 20 years. In Liberia where women's movement actually stopped the war and led their country to peace. Even in Rwanda after the Genocide. we often make this choice only after many lives were lost. This is also what birthed the United Nations and the European Union, after World War Two.
Peace is present. It is available to all wherever we are. It is available in every second and at every corner, waiting for us to embrace it.
We all hope, and we are all praying that Humanity Prevails.
Humanity cannot prevail without us.
We ARE the “humanity” we are referring to.
It is for us to prevail, and we can only prevail if we hold a vision for peace in Palestine. Yes Palestine, The bride of the Sea that was betrayed and keeps being betrayed.
We need to elevate the discourse beyond what we are seeing and hearing. The fight isn’t just a fight between Israel and some barbaric act of terrorism out of the blue.
The arguments right now are futile. It is our RESPONSE-ABILITY. To move beyond the surface-level conflicts we witness.
No argument will bring back the lives that are lost and that we are losing every day. This fight is for all of us.
The fight is about our Humanity.
It is about us holding a vision for higher consciousness, not righteousness.
Let’s move away from the fight and offer a heart-centered vision.
Let’s not obscure our vision with images of violence to justify even more violence.
Let’s not close our hearts to others and dehumanize them.
It’s not them versus us. Or us vs them.
It is time to address the root causes of conflict through a holistic and inclusive approach.
In this time of turbulence; it is time to become a Peace activator.
To activate our inner peace and hold a VISION for peace in the Middle East and in the world.
I lost my eyesight soon after sending a newsletter at the end of 2019 about my “Vision for 2020” for peace in the Middle East, where compassionate self-forgiveness became our weapon. That was my vision. And it was based on a theater play that I performed 35 years ago in my hometown Jaffa. In this play in 2020 Jews and Arabs were living peacefully together.
I had to lose my literal vision to regain a true vision of peace, which is a vision rooted in the soul. Which birthed Soul Centered peacebuilding.
True peace begins at an individual level. From there it extends to the collective consciousness.
Sustainable peace can only be achieved through a deep and meaningful transformation of individuals and societies. It starts with the individual. Yes, it does. That’s why it is so empowering. Through my two decades of practice and work in conflict zones, it is the only thing that matters. The individual choice for peace. And I want to claim it is actually Soul-based peacebuilding.
Understanding that what we are experiencing now is ultimately our human choice to move through the darkness for the light to transcend through us.
Understanding that Palestinians and Israelis are NOBLE enemies. they have a sacred soul contract to fight while being seen. for humanity to witness the fight and make a different choice. A choice for peace. And bring harmony to the perceived incompatibility nature of Freedom and Security.
Facing this with the intention of transforming the energies into the loving light. This light and love is inherently present and available to all of us.
It is time. and it is enough.
Enough violence. Enough. Enough destruction. Enough.
Let's not expect the worst. It is time to expect the best outcome possible.
How would such an outcome look like where we are all winning and we are all living in peace and harmony?
I am not talking about Utopia, I am talking about our ability to finally take an inner stand for peace. Our ability as humans to cultivate that state. Like nourishing a flower.
Peace activation from within refers to the process of cultivating and nurturing a sense of inner peace within oneself.
It’s a process where we are willing to let go of our ego and the need to be right.
It involves developing a state of harmony, tranquility, and contentment that emanates from within and positively impacts our thoughts, emotions, actions, and relationships.
In the face of ongoing conflicts and violence, it is easy to lose hope. We must remember again that peace is a choice, and it is within our reach.
We hold the power to transcend the narratives of violence and vengeance.
We have the power to embrace a vision for peace.
We can contribute to the transformation of the current state of the world.
Let us come together as humanity and choose peace.
It is through our collective efforts that we can create a brighter future.
So this is an invitation for the silent majority. The ones crying in silence and feeling powerless. The ones that want to do something that doesn’t jeopardize their lives. The ones waiting for change to happen. Hold that vision, activate the peace inside of you.
We will be opening a weekly zoom meeting for peace activation and non linear leadership.
if you are interested in joining, please email peaceactivation@gmail.com and we will send you the details.
In peace
Agreed. Well said.